If you have responsibility for the care of another person please let us now so that our records are complete. This enables us to provide you with the best possible care.
Why is it important for my Practice to know that I’m a carer?
We record the names of our carers. This information helps us as a practice to:
- Make sure you receive information about the help and support that is available.
- Refer you for a ‘Carers Assessment’ if you would like one.
- Improve services for you as a carer
We at your Practice will be able to support you by giving you:
- Access to a Carers Information Pack and other information
- Refer you to Cheshire Carers Centre and other helpful organisations which support carers and families
- Give you appointment times to fit in with your caring role
- A health check if caring for someone is affecting your health
- A flu jab
- Information about a Carers Assessment, so that your needs can be looked at.
How do I let my GP Practice know that I am a Carer?
You can pick up a leaflet ‘Does your GP surgery know you are a carer’ from reception and complete the form.
What about the person I care for?
If the person you care for would like your GP surgery to know that you are their carer, then please ask them to complete the second form in the leaflet ‘Does your GP surgery know you are a carer’ which you can pick up from reception, and hand it into reception.